College & Community
While the church was originally planted out of a desire to provide a Reformed and Presbyterian congregation for college professors, their families and students this has grown into a vision to reach out into the wider Hillsdale community. The average driving distance for members of Reformed Churches is 45 minutes and with no other Reformed work within the county of 50,000, Hillsdale OPC has a great opportunity to be used of God in calling His people.
Many of the ways we have sought to reach out into the community thus far have been through our radio advertisements as well as Pastor Henes writing a weekly editorial advertisement for the local Hillsdale Daily News. We also plan to start a Bible Study for the community at the local library in order to reach out to those who might not know where we are meeting.
Given the large number of Hillsdale College students that have made Hillsdale OPC their “church home away from home,” we expect that Hillsdale OPC will have a considerable opportunity to train future leaders for Reformed churches around the country.